Oregon Traffic Conditions
Current Temp: 90.0° F | Humidity: 19% | Wind: 5.1 MPH
Current Conditions: Sunny
Click for Traffic Incidents
Sunken pavement is causing minimal delay to traffic. Use caution.
Created: 03/07/2024 10:01 US/Pacific
Updated: 10/06/2024 15:43 US/Pacific
No to Minimum Delay
Road construction is occurring causing minimal delay to traffic. Use caution and watch for workers.
Created: 10/01/2023 05:58 US/Pacific
Updated: 10/06/2024 15:09 US/Pacific
No to Minimum Delay
Road construction is occurring. Prepare to slow. Watch for workers.
Created: 08/03/2024 15:40 US/Pacific
Updated: 10/06/2024 15:09 US/Pacific
Estimated delay under 20 minutes
Road construction is occurring. Prepare to slow. Watch for workers.
Created: 09/04/2024 08:54 US/Pacific
Updated: 09/04/2024 08:57 US/Pacific
Estimated delay under 20 minutes
Road construction is occurring. Prepare to slow. Watch for workers.
Created: 09/14/2024 15:49 US/Pacific
Updated: 10/06/2024 15:09 US/Pacific
Estimated delay under 20 minutes
Road construction is occurring. Prepare to slow. Watch for workers.
Created: 08/28/2024 08:07 US/Pacific
Updated: 09/30/2024 16:30 US/Pacific
Estimated delay under 20 minutes
Crews are working on repaving OR58 from M.P. 48 to M.P. 56, Monday - Friday, 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Expect single lane closures with pilot car, automated flaggers and advance flaggers. Plan for delays of 20 minutes or less through the work zone. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](https://www.oregon.gov/odot/projects/pages/project-details.aspx?project=22515)
Bridge work is occurring. Prepare to slow.
Created: 09/09/2024 05:19 US/Pacific
Updated: 10/04/2024 14:45 US/Pacific
Estimated delay under 20 minutes
Expect lane closures and delays up to 20 minutes 7P-6A Su-Th nights and Monday during the day October 7th for bridge work. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](https://www.oregon.gov/odot/projects/pages/project-details.aspx?project=20543)
Hazard @ Quines Creek Rd / BLM Road 33-5-1.1 -- Impact: Closure
Start Date: 11/24/2022 00:01 US/Pacific
End Date: 12/31/2025 23:59 US/Pacific
Road Closed. Large berm of debris blocking access from both directions of travel.
Douglas County
Larissa May
Douglas County
Click for Local Police/Fire Scanner Broadcasts
Klamath Falls
Current Temp: 82.0° F | Humidity: 14% | Wind: 14.1 MPH
Current Conditions: Sunny
Click for Traffic Incidents
Road construction is occurring causing minimal delay to traffic. Use caution and watch for workers.
Created: 05/11/2021 01:59 US/Pacific
Updated: 10/06/2024 15:33 US/Pacific
No to Minimum Delay
Road construction is occurring. Prepare to slow. Watch for workers.
Created: 05/07/2024 13:51 US/Pacific
Updated: 10/06/2024 15:37 US/Pacific
Estimated delay under 20 minutes
Construction @ Shasta Way (Homedale to Patterson) -- Impact: High
Start Date: 08/05/2024 10:18 US/Pacific
End Date: 10/11/2024 15:00 US/Pacific
Daytime/weekday lane closures with flaggers to facilitate construction of sidewalks. Please use alternative routes to reduce congestion in construction zone.
Klamath County Public Works
Klamath County Public Works
Klamath County Public Works
Construction @ Aurther Street form Shasta way to S. 6th Street. -- Impact: Moderate
Start Date: 09/04/2024 14:40 US/Pacific
End Date: 11/16/2024 01:36 US/Pacific
Road closure with possible detours. 7 am. to 7 pm. Please use an alternate route.
Klamath County Public Works
Jeremy Morris
Klamath County Public Works
Click for Local Police/Fire Scanner Broadcasts
Ashland / Siskiyou
Current Temp: 83.3° F | Humidity: 17% | Wind: 6.5 MPH
Current Conditions: Sunny
Click for Traffic Incidents
No incidents at this time.
Click for Local Police/Fire Scanner Broadcasts
Medford / Central Point
Current Temp: 89.1° F | Humidity: 16% | Wind: 4.9 MPH
Current Conditions: Sunny
Click for Traffic Incidents
Road construction is occurring. Prepare to slow. Watch for workers.
Created: 05/24/2023 23:24 US/Pacific
Updated: 10/06/2024 15:12 US/Pacific
Estimated delay under 20 minutes
Watch for intermittent lane closures through the work zone, Monday – Friday as utility work is taking place.
Road construction is occurring causing minimal delay to traffic. Use caution and watch for workers.
Created: 05/20/2024 13:02 US/Pacific
Updated: 10/06/2024 15:13 US/Pacific
No to Minimum Delay
Road construction is occurring. Prepare to slow. Watch for workers.
Created: 07/20/2024 14:22 US/Pacific
Updated: 10/06/2024 15:13 US/Pacific
Estimated delay under 20 minutes
Watch for intermittent lane closures through the work zone, Sunday night – Friday morning and possible shoulder/turning lane closures during the day. OR-99 (MP 4.36-5.71), OR-238 (MP 37.63-38.75), Hwy 62 (MP 0.91). <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](https://www.oregon.gov/odot/projects/pages/project-details.aspx?project=21676)
Construction @ Table Rock Road - Water Line Project -- Impact: Moderate
Start Date: 02/02/2024 02:57 US/Pacific
End Date: 02/02/2025 22:48 US/Pacific
NOTE: Please watch for reduced speed zones (such as 35 MPH) in portions of this construction zone.Medford Water Commission is installing a new 42" water line along Table Rock Road from near the Rogue River south to Vilas Road. The project will begin in February 2024 and will extend through January 2025. More information and details can be found at MedfordWater.org/TableRock.Watch for construction, slow down in work areas throughout this extended project area, obey all signs and traffic control workers. Expect delays and use alternate routes if possible.
Jackson County Roads
Lester McFall
Medford Water Commission
Construction @ Foothill Road - Hillcrest Road to Dry Creek Road -- Impact: High
Start Date: 06/06/2024 14:22 US/Pacific
End Date: 11/08/2025 12:01 US/Pacific
A major, multi-year construction project is occurring on Foothill Road between Hillcrest Road and Dry Creek Road which impacts both City of Medford and Jackson County roadways. Detailed information and impacts can be found at the Foothill Road Improvement Project Page.Expect delays as well as temporary closures with detours. Please use caution and obey all traffic control devices and personnel for safety.
Jackson County Roads
Mary Dillinger
Construction @ Foothill Road - Hillcrest Road to Dry Creek Road -- Impact: High
Start Date: 06/06/2024 14:24 US/Pacific
End Date: 11/08/2025 12:01 US/Pacific
A major, multi-year construction project is occurring on Foothill Road between Hillcrest Road and Dry Creek Road which impacts both City of Medford and Jackson County roadways. Detailed information and impacts can be found at the Foothill Road Improvement Project Page.Expect delays as well as temporary closures with detours. Please use caution and obey all traffic control devices and personnel for safety.
Jackson County Roads
Mary Dillinger
Construction @ Foothill Road - Hillcrest Road to Dry Creek Road -- Impact: High
Start Date: 06/06/2024 14:25 US/Pacific
End Date: 11/08/2025 12:01 US/Pacific
A major, multi-year construction project is occurring on Foothill Road between Hillcrest Road and Dry Creek Road which impacts both City of Medford and Jackson County roadways. Detailed information and impacts can be found at the Foothill Road Improvement Project Page.Expect delays as well as temporary closures with detours. Please use caution and obey all traffic control devices and personnel for safety.
Jackson County Roads
Mary Dillinger
Construction @ Foothill Road - Hillcrest Road to Dry Creek Road -- Impact: High
Start Date: 06/06/2024 14:26 US/Pacific
End Date: 11/08/2025 12:01 US/Pacific
A major, multi-year construction project is occurring on Foothill Road between Hillcrest Road and Dry Creek Road which impacts both City of Medford and Jackson County roadways. Detailed information and impacts can be found at the Foothill Road Improvement Project Page.Expect delays as well as temporary closures with detours. Please use caution and obey all traffic control devices and personnel for safety.
Jackson County Roads
Mary Dillinger
Construction @ Foothill Road - Hillcrest Road to Dry Creek Road -- Impact: High
Start Date: 06/06/2024 14:27 US/Pacific
End Date: 11/08/2025 12:01 US/Pacific
A major, multi-year construction project is occurring on Foothill Road between Hillcrest Road and Dry Creek Road which impacts both City of Medford and Jackson County roadways. Detailed information and impacts can be found at the Foothill Road Improvement Project Page.Expect delays as well as temporary closures with detours. Please use caution and obey all traffic control devices and personnel for safety.
Jackson County Roads
Mary Dillinger
Click for Local Police/Fire Scanner Broadcasts
Current Temp: 85.3° F | Humidity: 31% | Wind: 4.0 MPH
Current Conditions: Sunny
Click for Traffic Incidents
Road construction is occurring. Prepare to slow. Watch for workers.
Created: 09/11/2024 16:26 US/Pacific
Updated: 09/14/2024 14:21 US/Pacific
Estimated delay under 20 minutes
Road construction is occurring. Prepare to slow. Watch for workers.
Created: 03/25/2024 07:24 US/Pacific
Updated: 08/08/2024 15:57 US/Pacific
Estimated delay under 20 minutes
Most work to happen Monday through Friday between 6 a.m. and 3 p.m. Occasional night work. Shoulder and lane closures as needed. Construction noise and delays. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](https://www.oregon.gov/odot/projects/pages/project-details.aspx?project=20209)
Construction @ South 28th St., Springfield, OR -- Impact: Low
Start Date: 01/13/2024 02:35 US/Pacific
End Date: 01/01/2025 03:59 US/Pacific
Lane County in partnership with City of Springfield will be installing storm sewer facilities, grading, and paving along S 28th St, from F St. heading south for approximately 1500 ft. Construction work starts on January 17th, 2024 and the project contract end date is December 31, 2024. Please obey the traffic control signs and flaggers. Please use caution and slow down through work zones to improve safety and efficiency.
Lane County Government
Derek Jensen
Lane County Public Works Engineering & Construction Services
Construction @ N Game Farm Rd M.P. 0.59 to M.P. 1.69 -- Impact: Low
Start Date: 02/07/2024 07:00 US/Pacific
End Date: 12/31/2024 19:59 US/Pacific
Lane County will be upgrading ADA curb ramps, paving, signing and doing traffic signal modifications on N Game Farm Rd, starting February 20, 2024. The project contract end date is December 31, 2024. Please obey the traffic control signs and flaggers. Please use caution and slow down through work zones to improve safety and efficiency.
Lane County Government
Derek Jensen
Lane County Government
Construction @ 42nd Street Overlay from International Paper to Marcola Road -- Impact: Low
Start Date: 07/16/2024 15:00 US/Pacific
End Date: 11/24/2024 01:00 US/Pacific
Expect minor delays during construction with flaggers controlling traffic as needed. This information will be updated as the project progresses. A paving grind and inlay is being applied to 42nd St. between International Paper and Marcola Rd. Work is ongoing and includes new striping and signing. In addition, to meet current standards, existing Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) sidewalk ramps are being updated. https://bit.ly/42overlay
City of Springfield
Kristi Krueger
City of Springfield
Construction @ Mill Street Reconstruction -- Impact: Low
Start Date: 09/04/2024 15:00 US/Pacific
End Date: 12/01/2025 01:00 US/Pacific
Mill Street is restricted to one-way northbound traffic between Main Street and Centennial Boulevard for the Mill Street Reconstruction project. Detours are in place with signs and other markings to direct traffic. https://bit.ly/MillStreetreconstruction
City of Springfield
Kristi Krueger
City of Springfield
Detour @ Detour for Mill Street project -- Impact: Low
Start Date: 09/03/2024 07:00 US/Pacific
End Date: 12/31/2024 17:00 US/Pacific
A detour is in place for the Mill Street Reconstruction project for those walking, rolling, biking, or driving. To access West D Street, please use the detour via Kelly Blvd. and West E Street to safely cross Mill Street. This detour will be in place until the end of 2024 and updates will be posted as changes are made.The Mill Street Reconstruction Project is underway which means traffic on Mill Street is restricted to one-way northbound travel between Main Street and Centennial Boulevard using the west side of the street until May 1, 2025. Then traffic will shift to the other side of the street and continue to be one-way traffic for several more months.
City of Springfield
Kristi Krueger
City of Springfield
Click for Local Police/Fire Scanner Broadcasts
Salem / Surrounding Area
Current Temp: 81.0° F | Humidity: 37% | Wind: 3.4 MPH
Current Conditions: Sunny
Click for Traffic Incidents
Road construction is occurring. Prepare to slow. Watch for workers.
Created: 05/16/2024 05:20 US/Pacific
Updated: 09/27/2024 16:41 US/Pacific
Estimated delay under 20 minutes
Crews working daily, Sunday through Thursday with occasional night and weekend work. Up to two lanes closed nightly in either direction on I-5 from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. Other roads in the project area to have single lane closures as needed from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. Reduced speed to 55 mph in the work zone. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](https://www.oregon.gov/odot/projects/pages/project-details.aspx?project=22505)
Road construction is occurring. Prepare to slow. Watch for workers. Ramps Affected.
Created: 08/27/2024 08:08 US/Pacific
Updated: 10/04/2024 16:07 US/Pacific
Estimated delay under 20 minutes
Expect shoulder and lane closures, construction noise and delays. Crews are mostly working during the day with occasional nighttime closures as needed. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](https://www.oregon.gov/odot/projects/pages/project-details.aspx?project=19929)
Road construction is or will be occurring. Use caution. Ramps Affected.
Created: 08/27/2024 09:43 US/Pacific
Updated: 10/04/2024 16:09 US/Pacific
Informational Only
Expect shoulder and lane closures, construction noise and delays. Crews are mostly working during the day with occasional nighttime closures as needed. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](https://www.oregon.gov/odot/projects/pages/project-details.aspx?project=19929)
Road construction is or will be occurring. Use caution. Ramps Affected.
Created: 08/27/2024 09:50 US/Pacific
Updated: 10/04/2024 16:09 US/Pacific
Informational Only
Expect shoulder and lane closures, construction noise and delays. Crews are mostly working during the day with occasional nighttime closures as needed. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](https://www.oregon.gov/odot/projects/pages/project-details.aspx?project=19929)
Road construction is or will be occurring. Use caution. Ramps Affected.
Created: 08/28/2024 09:52 US/Pacific
Updated: 10/04/2024 16:09 US/Pacific
Informational Only
Expect shoulder and lane closures, construction noise and delays. Crews are mostly working during the day with occasional nighttime closures as needed. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](https://www.oregon.gov/odot/projects/pages/project-details.aspx?project=19929)
Periodic nighttime lane closures with flaggers directing traffic.
Created: 11/14/2022 11:06 US/Pacific
Updated: 10/06/2024 06:27 US/Pacific
Estimated delay under 20 minutes
<!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](https://www.oregon.gov/odot/projects/pages/project-details.aspx?project=18775)
Construction @ Hayesville Dr Improvements -- Impact: Low
Start Date: 10/24/2022 08:22 US/Pacific
End Date: 11/01/2024 17:30 US/Pacific
Carter and Company construction has been contracted to complete bicycle and pedestrian improvements on Hayesville Drive between Portland Road and Fuhrer Street.
Marion County Public Works
Jill Ogden
Marion County Public Works
Construction @ Hazelgreen Bridge Replacement -- Impact: Closure
Start Date: 05/13/2024 11:00 US/Pacific
End Date: 11/01/2024 09:00 US/Pacific
Marion County Public Works will be closing Hazelgreen Road on Monday, May 13th, 2024 for a Construction Project and the replacement of Bridge #05387.The road will remain closed until October 31st, 2024. A detour will be in place during construction. Emergency and Local traffic will not be allowed through the closure area. Please note that Torvend Road will also be closed for some time during the Hazelgreen Road closure. Construction will be by Farline Bridge.
Marion County Public Works
Jill Ogden
Marion County Public Works
Construction @ Torvend Rd Realignment -- Impact: Closure
Start Date: 05/14/2024 03:00 US/Pacific
End Date: 10/31/2024 16:00 US/Pacific
Marion County Public Works will be closing Torvend Road on Monday, May 13th, 2024 for a Construction Project. The road will remain closed until October 31, 2024. Emergency and Local traffic will not be allowed through the closure area. Please note that a portion of Hazelgreen Road will also be closed for the duration of the Torvend Road closure.
Marion County Public Works
Jill Ogden
Marion County Public Works
Detour @ Hazelgreen Bridge detour -- Impact: Low
Start Date: 07/08/2024 14:00 US/Pacific
End Date: 07/01/2025 00:00 US/Pacific
Marion County Public Works
Jill Ogden
Marion County Public Works
Construction @ Elma Av Safe Routes to Schools -- Impact: Low
Start Date: 06/03/2024 14:00 US/Pacific
End Date: 10/12/2024 00:00 US/Pacific
A new walkway and sidewalk infill will be constructed on the east side of Elma Av. Enhanced safety measures such as high-visibility signing and striping will also be installed at Elma and Mahrt. Traffic calming measures will be constructed at the intersections near the school- at Elma & Beck and Elma & Durbin.
Marion County Public Works
Jill Ogden
Marion County Public Works
Construction @ Elma Av Safe Routes to Schools -- Impact: Low
Start Date: 06/03/2024 14:00 US/Pacific
End Date: 10/12/2024 00:00 US/Pacific
A new walkway and sidewalk infill will be constructed on the east side of Elma Av. Enhanced safety measures such as high-visibility signing and striping will also be installed at Elma and Mahrt. Traffic calming measures will be constructed at the intersections near the school- at Elma & Beck and Elma & Durbin.
Marion County Public Works
Jill Ogden
Marion County Public Works
Construction @ Meridian Bridge Repair -- Impact: Low
Start Date: 04/24/2024 23:30 US/Pacific
End Date: 12/01/2024 08:00 US/Pacific
Scour repairs and foundation strengthening at the abutments and piers, and to install new approach guardrails to County Bridge #2504A.
Marion County Public Works
Jill Ogden
Marion County Public Works
Construction @ Connecticut Av Sidewalks -- Impact: Low
Start Date: 07/08/2024 14:00 US/Pacific
End Date: 11/01/2024 00:00 US/Pacific
The project involves the completion of urban bicycle and ADA compliant pedestrian facilities along Connecticut Avenue SE between Macleay Road/Pennsylvania Avenue and Rickey Street/Macleay Road.
Marion County Public Works
Jill Ogden
Marion County Public Works
Construction @ Rambler Bridge Rehabilitation -- Impact: Low
Start Date: 06/03/2024 14:00 US/Pacific
End Date: 11/01/2024 00:00 US/Pacific
The rehabilitation will include replacing the rotting timber decking system and installing a new deck membrane and deck joints to protect the timber girders and pile caps, installing new bridge rails to improve roadway safety and installing new guardrail and guardrail transitions at the bridge approaches.
Marion County Public Works
Jill Ogden
Marion County Public Works
Construction @ Abiqua Rd Curve Signing -- Impact: Low
Start Date: 07/29/2024 12:00 US/Pacific
End Date: 12/31/2024 17:00 US/Pacific
Marion County's contractor, Mid Valley Excavation, will install updated curve warning signs.
Marion County Public Works
Jill Ogden
Marion County Public Works
Construction @ Vitae Springs/Orville Rd -- Impact: Low
Start Date: 07/29/2024 12:00 US/Pacific
End Date: 12/31/2024 17:00 US/Pacific
Marion County's contractor, Mid Valley Excavation, will install updated curve warning signs.
Marion County Public Works
Jill Ogden
Marion County Public Works
Click for Local Police/Fire Scanner Broadcasts
Current Temp: 79.0° F | Humidity: 39% | Wind: 2.2 MPH
Current Conditions: Sunny
Click for Traffic Incidents
An unconfirmed report of hazardous debris has been received. Use caution.
Created: 10/06/2024 16:45 US/Pacific
Updated: 10/06/2024 16:46 US/Pacific
Periodic lane closures on I-5 and SW 26th Ave.
Created: 04/12/2023 15:53 US/Pacific
Updated: 08/25/2024 03:27 US/Pacific
Estimated delay under 20 minutes
Four miles of I-5 will close from 9pm Friday June 28 through 5am Monday July 1 in SW Portland. Detours on I-205/I-84 or OR 217/U.S. 26/I-405.
Created: 06/28/2024 16:52 US/Pacific
Updated: 06/28/2024 23:10 US/Pacific
Informational Only
Four miles of I-5 will be closed from 9pm Friday June 28 through 5am Monday July 1 in SW Portland. Detours on I-205/I-84 or OR 217/U.S. 26/I-405. Crews are rebuilding the I-5 structure over SW 26th Avenue. <!--Links Start Here--> [I-5 over SW 26th Avenue Improvements Project](https://www.oregon.gov/odot/projects/pages/project-details.aspx?project=20486)
Single lane closures on Clackamette Drive, Willamette Falls Drive. Auxiliary lane closure on OR 99E north. Pedestrian detours on OR 43 and OR 99E.
Created: 06/10/2022 12:07 US/Pacific
Updated: 10/06/2024 06:26 US/Pacific
Estimated delay under 20 minutes
Nighttime single lane closures on OR 217 in both directions weekdays.
Created: 09/27/2023 12:35 US/Pacific
Updated: 10/06/2024 06:29 US/Pacific
Informational Only
Daytime closure of the auxiliary lane on northbound OR 217 between 72nd Avenue and OR 99W 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday and Friday. Ongoing closures: Hall Boulevard over OR 217 in Tigard is closed through fall 2024 to replace the bridge. Periodic lane closures on Hall Boulevard between Scholls Ferry Road and Cascade Avenue. One lane in each direction is closed around-the-clock on the Scholls Ferry Road overpass for several months. Auxiliary lane closures on OR 217 south from Scholls Ferry Road to OR 99W and on OR 217 north from Scholls Ferry Road to Denney Road. Expect shoulder closures on OR 217, various on- and off-ramps, and on local roads near the highway ramps. Various on- and off-ramps temporarily narrowed. Pedestrian detours on the Hall Boulevard overpass in Beaverton. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](https://www.oregon.gov/odot/projects/pages/project-details.aspx?project=21177)
Nighttime single lane closures 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. Flaggers directing traffic at intersections throughout the project area.
Created: 04/17/2023 09:25 US/Pacific
Updated: 09/29/2024 07:33 US/Pacific
Estimated delay under 20 minutes
The dedicated right turn lane from northbound OR99W to Main Street is closed. Right turns are still permitted. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](https://www.oregon.gov/odot/projects/pages/project-details.aspx?project=20435)
Nighttime lane closures and flagging to pave two bridges on OR 99W.
Created: 09/26/2024 13:45 US/Pacific
Updated: 09/26/2024 13:46 US/Pacific
No to Minimum Delay
Lane closures, traffic shifts, shoulder closures and up to 20-minute traffic holds weekdays.
Created: 09/07/2022 15:23 US/Pacific
Updated: 05/26/2024 07:32 US/Pacific
Informational Only
Hall Boulevard is closed where it passes over OR 217 in Tigard, at Pfaffle Street. Use Greenburg Road as a detour route.
Created: 02/28/2024 17:18 US/Pacific
Updated: 03/11/2024 11:33 US/Pacific
The Hall Boulevard overpass over OR 217 near OR 99W and Pfaffle Street in Tigard is closed for nine months, starting in March 2024. The intersection of Pfaffle Street and Hall Boulevard is also closed. Drivers are not permitted to turn onto Hall Boulevard from Pfaffle Street or turn onto Pfaffle Street from Hall Boulevard. All vehicle traffic should use the signed detour using Greenburg Road. People walking and bicycling will still be able to cross OR 217 via a temporary pedestrian bridge. <!--Links Start Here--> [Link to Additional Information](https://www.oregon.gov/odot/OR217/Pages/default.aspx)
One direction of OR 217 closed at a time from 11 p.m. to 5 a.m. between Greenburg Road and OR 99W through Oct. 3.
Created: 12/23/2021 09:11 US/Pacific
Updated: 09/29/2024 07:39 US/Pacific
Estimated delay of 20 minutes - 2 hours
Between Greenburg Road and OR 99W, all lanes of OR 217 south closed overnight Oct. 2-3. All lanes of OR 217 north closed overnight Sept. 26-Oct. 1. Nighttime single lane closures on OR 217 in both directions weekdays. Nighttime closures of the Denney Road on- and off-ramps Sunday and Monday, Sept. 29-30. Nighttime lane closures on the Allen overpass Wednesday and Thursday and the Denney overpass Sunday and Monday with flaggers directing traffic. Daytime closure of the auxiliary lane on northbound OR 217 between 72nd Avenue and OR 99W 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Ongoing closures: Hall Boulevard over OR 217 in Tigard is closed through fall 2024 to replace the bridge. One lane of westbound Hall Boulevard is closed around-the-clock for several months between Scholls Ferry Road and Cascade Avenue. One lane in each direction is closed around-the-clock on the Scholls Ferry Road overpass for several months. Auxiliary lane closures on OR 217 south from Scholls Ferry Road to OR 99W and on OR 217 north fro
A stall has the NB left lanes closed at Haines. Prepare to slow or move over for worker safety.
Created: 10/06/2024 16:27 US/Pacific
Updated: 10/06/2024 16:51 US/Pacific
Estimated delay of 20 minutes - 2 hours
Construction @ SW 65th Ave and SW Stafford Rd -- Impact: Moderate
Start Date: 11/07/2023 16:20 US/Pacific
End Date: 01/01/2025 01:00 US/Pacific
A construction signal has been installed at the intersection of SW 65th Ave and SW Stafford Road starting in November 2023. Expect intermittent delays.
City of Wilsonville
Zach Weigel
City of Wilsonville
Construction @ SW Boeckman Rd between SW Stafford Rd and SW Canyon Creek Rd -- Impact: Closure
Start Date: 10/26/2023 23:57 US/Pacific
End Date: 05/01/2025 13:00 US/Pacific
Ongoing construction on SW Boeckman Rd between SW Stafford Rd and SW Canyon Creek Rd. Full closure in both directions until April 2025.
City of Wilsonville
Zach Weigel
City of Wilsonville
Construction @ Scholls Ferry Rd, Roy Rogers to Murray -- Impact: Moderate
Start Date: 02/02/2024 09:36 US/Pacific
End Date: 11/01/2024 06:28 US/Pacific
Expect lane restrictions for drinking water pipeline construction. 6:30 am to 5:30 pm Monday through Friday, with the exception of work at most intersections and other potential activities scheduled for nighttime work.
Willamette Water Supply Program
David Marciniak
Willamette Water Supply Program
Construction @ Martinazzi Ave from Sagert St to Avery St -- Impact: Closure
Start Date: 09/27/2024 08:00 US/Pacific
End Date: 12/13/2024 17:00 US/Pacific
Martinazzi Avenue is closed from Sagert Street to Avery Street for water main and sewer main construction from September 30 until December, 2024
City of Tualatin
Mike McCarthy
City of Tualatin